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or hourly wage standard for the individual labourer stipulated in the labour contract; and 3. where an employing work unit lawfully arranges for a ...
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,以中文为准。本合同一式 _____ 份。自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。 This Contract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall be deemed equally ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-374940.html -了解详情
,以中文为准。本合同一式 _____ 份。自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。 This Contract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall be deemed equally ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-325120.html -了解详情
[13]BVerfG 19 October 1993. [14]Maria Vittoria Onufrio, The Constitutionalization of Contract Law in the Irish, the German and the Italian systems: is ...
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订立的过程和反思等至今具有讨论的价值。 (二)美国法篇 1、图书类 Steven J. Burton, Principle of Contract Law(3th Ed., Thomson West,2006)美国法学院的教科书,属于case and materials系列,各章列举最著名或最有争议 ...
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范围,扩大至由合同导致的其他法律关系,亦无伤大雅。参见P.Brereton,Restitutionary and Contract,In:Francis Rose,ed.Restitution and the Conflict of Laws,Mansfield Press,Oxford 1995, ...
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environment. 【关键词】农村生态环境;民事合同;合同治理【英文关键词】 the rural ecological environment; the civil contract; contract governance 【写作年份】2009年 【正文】 一、从城乡比较的角度看农村生态环境 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-158122.html -了解详情
约因在法律上不能执行。 又例如,古典契约法认为协商只有通过要约(offer)和承诺(acceptance)才能形成。那么,对于单边契约(unilateral contract)的要约在履行完毕前是否可以撤销,即使受要约人(offeree)已经开始履行?古典契约法的结论是:可以。这一结论也可以经由 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-135376.html -了解详情
for up to $1,500 per semester with a limit of two semesters per contract year, for tuition costs only. The course to be taken must be related to the ...
//hetong.110.com/hetong_7662.html -了解详情
may set-off against the assignee a money sum which arose out of the same contract or series of events which gave rise to the assigned money sum or was ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_88206.html -了解详情
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