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, i.e. the right to perform in public a work or to broadcast in public the performance of a work by virtue of any means;10. Right of show, i.e. the ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312834.html -了解详情
exposure to a substance with which he comes into contact in the performance of his assigned job duties where continued exposure to the substance would ...
//hetong.110.com/hetong_7662.html -了解详情
which the deputy belongs must ensure him the needed time. Article 32 The performance by a deputy of his or her functions as deputy in accordance with ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_315073.html -了解详情
for a breach of this Agreement and consent to an action for specific performance or other injunctive relief in the event of any such breach.In Witness ...
//hetong.110.com/hetong_7657.html -了解详情
a principal for injury caused by the fault of his agents and servants in the performance of their duties (art. 1054 C.C.L.C.; art. 1463 C.C.Q.). This ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_88144.html -了解详情
an (the) investor(s) in, an Employer shall not affect the performance of its employment contracts. Article 34 If an Employer is merged or divided, etc ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312800.html -了解详情
三十六条 表演者对其表演享有下列权利: Article 36 A performer shall, in relation to his performance, enjoy the right: (一)表明表演者身份; (1) to claim performership; (二)保护表演者形象不 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-330562.html -了解详情
加班费、绩效奖金,提供与工作岗位相关的福利待遇;}0{(3) Paying overtime remunerations and performance bonuses and providing benefits relevant to the post;0}{0(四) 对在岗被派遣劳动者进行工作 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-168496.html -了解详情
that “it is only in respect of this site that we consider the solar performance of the proposal poor”. The Court said that the site was a large rural ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_88243.html -了解详情
, that the purchaser is not entitled as a matter of law to specific performance. The purchaser concedes that if it were not open to the vendor to take ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_88108.html -了解详情
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