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to a dispute in a matter enumerated in that section may elect resolution by arbitration or an analogous procedure contained in the pension plan. In ...
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The only point raised by the plaintiffs in this regard was that as the Resolution did not prescribe the number of shares to be issued, it contravened ...
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that to constitute a common issue it must first be necessary to the resolution of each member's claim; it need not predominate over non-common issues ...
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power. Windset says that in focussing only on the absence of a conflict resolution under s. 929 of the Act, the trial judge effectively deprived it of ...
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,原、被告双方一致确认下列事实:1、2004年4月21日0435时(北京时间)左右,原告所属的“瑞安8”轮与被告所属的“丽莎露欣”(Resolution)轮在中国琼州海峡水域发生碰撞(下称“碰撞事故”)。“瑞安8”轮及其所载货物沉没,船员落水;“丽莎露欣”(Resolution)轮船体受损。2、碰撞 ...
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Yearbook on Socialist Legal Systems (1989), pp. 145~171; Donald Clarke, ”Dispute Resolution in China“ , in 5.2 Journal of Chinese Law (1991), pp. 245~ ...
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只是面相。从某种意义上说,层级监督也可以是一种救济,贴近纠纷解决的管理型模式(managerial model of dispute resolution),或者 Mashaw说的官僚正义模式(model of bureaucratic justice),注重成本效益,在行政体制内解决争议。[17] ...
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但执行费用可能还要高于要收取的费用。参见Michael Froomkin.ICANNs Uniform Dispute Resolution PolicyCauses and (Partial)Cures,67 Brooklyn L.Rev.Spring,2002,p.636,666.)这种不经济 ...
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范围的若干规定》] promulgated on August 9, 2001. [69]Item 2 of the Resolution to Enhance the Work of Legal Interpretation [ [70 title='回到本文注源' name='mGuan yu ...
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to notice or to vote at such meeting(c) The directors may adopt a resolution prescribing a date upon which the stockholders of record are entitled to ...
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