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(1982)(支持协商性法规制定方式的使用)。 [46] 通常可以参见 Notice, Medicare and Medicaid Programs Health Care Financing Research and Demonstration Cooperative Agreements and ...
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or demand will use its best efforts to provide the other Party with prompt notice of such request or demand so that such other Party shall have an ...
//wenshu.110.com/wenshu_5172.html -了解详情
of stock represented thereby, he or she shall first give to the trustee(s) notice in writing of such desire, and the trustee(s) shall halve the right ...
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of Government Buildings, _________(M/Y)Equipment and Vegetation 52.242-1 Notice of Intent to Disallow Costs _________(M/Y)52.242-13 Bankruptcy ...
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this Agreement may be terminated by Sponsor upon a thirty day advance, written notice.?In the event of early termination of this Agreement by Sponsor ...
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Property? 13. I refuse to grant a declaration in terms of Paragraph 4 of the Notice of Motion as the Land Registry is not a party to this action. 14. ...
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care for his own safety; and I agree with the Court of Appeal that the notice on the door was such that any reasonable person would suppose that there ...
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canvassed ineither the grounds of appeal or the written submissions, the respondenthad no notice of it and was not in a position to deal with it.29 ...
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,no later than 24 hours after first being confined in the cell, be given notice inwriting of the ground on which he or she is being confined in the ...
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the appeal on liability. [10] On costs, the appellant's point is that the notice of the offer was defective. I am not persuaded the judge was wrong in ...
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