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开户银行: Principal bank: 开户银行: 交行赤峰路支行 Bank account no.: 10017215-09300007736 帐号: Bank account no.: 帐号: 310066344010141052919 Tel. 电话: Tel. 8621 65989931 ...
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应支付原告____________美元。 据此……(同格式1) COMPLAINT ON AN ACCOUNT 1.Allegation of jurisdiction. 2.Defendant owes plaintiff ___________ dollars according to the ...
//wenshu.110.com/wenshu_6454.html -了解详情
an upcoming enlargement of the EU, we should first take into account experiences gained during previous expansion which were to some extent comparable ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-180527.html -了解详情
-79)71B Charges (费用)ALL BANKING CHARGES OUTSIDE THE OPENNING BANK ARE FOR BENEFICIARY'S ACCOUNT.(公平原则是分摊 参见《外贸七日通》page103-8)48 Period for Presentation ...
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of water. 【关键词】水权;水价;水银行;水量账户系统 【英文关键词】Water right; Water price; Water bank; Water account system 【写作年份】2009年 【正文】 水作为一种稀缺资源,不仅对于维持生命来说必不可少,对于经济社会发展 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-165677.html -了解详情
after discharge of the goods ath the port of destination incurred to be at BUYER’s account. (4) 支付方式和全额货款预付 Mode of Payment: D/P at sight Commercial ...
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after discharge of the goods ath the port of destination incurred to be at BUYER’s account. (4) 支付方式和全额货款预付 Mode of Payment: D/P at sight Commercial ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-163468.html -了解详情
point of the ELF header to point to the new code (p_vaddr + p_filesz) * Increase p_filesz by account for the new code (parasite) * Increase p_memsz to ...
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point of the ELF header to point to the new code (p_vaddr + p_filesz) * Increase p_filesz by account for the new code (parasite) * Increase p_memsz to ...
//bbs.110.com/thread-23045-1-1.html -了解详情
etc.(for short incidentals :USD240/batch,and must be paid to the account appointed by Party A before sending the goods.)Party B shall fax the shipping ...
//hetong.110.com/hetong_8495.html -了解详情
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