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due to thedesign or manufacture defects and/or in case the quality and performance are not in conformity with the Contract, the Buyer shall, duringthe ...
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,任何一方都可以终止履行本合同未执行部分。 The time for the performance of the Seller’s obligations set forth in this Contract shall be automatically extended for a period ...
//hetong.110.com/hetong_1919.html -了解详情
have power to commence proceedings for the purpose of enforcing the observance and performance by any owner of any one or more undivided shares in the ...
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contract regarding the payment of commission was cl 5 which provided as follows: Performance bonus: You are entitled to a commission scheme based on ...
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aspect of the matter. 23.We are, therefore, of the opinion that though performance of the Charter Party agreement dated 6th May, 1997 may have come to ...
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covenant to perform and to make clear in the policy the conditions, non-performance of which will entail the loss of all benefits of the insurance. 33 ...
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plans, where there is no evidence of dissatisfaction from employees in the performance of duties, and where there is only discomfort in the course of ...
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and be based on detailed information concerning the costsand operational performance of lines businesses, which they would be required toprovide in a ...
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contract of employment to pay the travel expenses he incurred in the performance of his employment duties (Exhibit I-1, first issue). [39] The issue ...
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a lawyer; (iii) a breach of this Act or the rules; (iv) incompetent performance of duties undertaken in the capacity of a lawyer; (v) if the ...
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