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Law and Equity Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 253 provides: 59(3) A contract respecting land or a disposition of land is not enforceable unless (a) there is, ...
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proved a breach of the doctors’ duty to disclose and thus a breach of contract. This is a sufficient basis, they say, for the order made. On the issue ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_87809.html -了解详情
proved a breach of the doctors’ duty to disclose and thus a breach of contract. This is a sufficient basis, they say, for the order made. On the issue ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_87795.html -了解详情
and quantity of the labour of the staff an d workers; (2) the term of the contract; (3) the working conditions; (4) payment for labour, insurance and ...
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of the patent right and their discharge;(4) any patent license contract for exploitation submitted for the record;(5) any invalidation of the patent ...
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imprisonment and concurrently to a fine or confiscation of property: 1. to sign a contract in the name of a false unit or another person; 2. to use a ...
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"derivative product" as mentioned in these Measures shall refer to a financial contract with its value depending on one kind or a number of underlying ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312798.html -了解详情
评论》2012年第3期,第5~8页。 [29]See Treitel, The Law of Contract,Sweet&Maxwell Ltd. 1999. 10th Edition. p. 156. Cadbury Irelandv.KerryCo-op[1982] ILRM 77. [30] ...
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that it or he has not been able to conclude with the patentee a license contract for exploitation on reasonable terms and conditions. 第五十二条 国务院专利行政部门 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-330565.html -了解详情
Vol.5.2004.P.255. [7]G.S.Tawil,The Distinction between Contract Claims and Treaty Claims:An Overview,资料来源://www.iccamontreal2006.ore:/english/pdf ...
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