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of theAct), s 66 provides for clearance of a business acquisition by notice to theCommission. The Commission will grant a clearance if it is satisfied ...
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2,209), for a total of $57,923, are now in issue.[2] In the notice of appeal, the first two expenses are referred to in the appeal as "school-related ...
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two respondent counsel being in the same law firm. On August 31st she delivered a notice of motion to set aside the August 5th order and it was the ...
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contribute a requisite share of the rent of the premises. In October a notice to end tenancy was served upon Ms. Walker by the Commission. The reason ...
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appeal from the assessment made under Part IX of the Excise Tax Act, notice of which is dated February 18, 2005 and bears number 11GU-GL040771539237 ...
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January 2005 (for the 2003 Base Year). [10] The Appellant filed a CTB Notice. The Appellant maintains that she was the primary caregiver of Carly from ...
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, at the same time, the appellants urge this Court to take judicial notice of those texts. This line of reasoning does not advance the appellants’ ...
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has not been earlier terminated with respect to such Units, Lessee may by written notice to Lessor no more than 60 days prior to the end of the Lease ...
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that gave rise to the assessment under appeal is so that the appellant will have notice of the case he has to meet. As Rand J. put it in Johnson v. M ...
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provided the Tenant shall give to the Landlord not less than three (3) calendar months' previous notice in writing of such desire…。申请人对于上引文字的理解见于其在仲裁 ...
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