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1993) ; Jeffrey O'Connell,A Proposal to Abolish Defendants' Payment for Pain and Suffering in Return for Payment of Claimants'Attorneys' Fees,2 U. Ill ...
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Money,Oxford University Press,2005,pp. 500 - 501. [8]See Case Concerning the Payment of Various Serbian Loans Issued in France and Case Concerning the ...
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the said original bill to, on whom the said bill is drawn and demanged payment thereof, and he answered that it would not be paid.Whereupon, I, the ...
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may apply to the local peoples court for an order of payment and the peoples court shall issue an order of payment according to law.0} {0第三十一条 用人 ...
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也包括对造成环境污染者的收费,狭义的生态补偿的概念与目前国际上使用的生态服务付费(Payment for Ecosystem Services,PES)或生态效益付费(Payment for Ecological Benefit,PEB)相似。本文是从广义的角度来把握生态补偿的。 海洋生态补偿制度是 ...
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金融出版社2005年版,第310-311页。 [11]See ChinaCertain Measures Affecting Electronic Payment Services,WT/DS41 3/1,S/L/375. [12]See Note by the Secretariat on the ...
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.(3)percent of the total contract price for delay exceeding weeks;9.5the payment of penalties by party b to party a as stipulated in article 9 shllnot ...
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of _________.5.total price of installation work:_________u.s. d only.6.payment terms of installation work:first installment:party a shall pay to party ...
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上开情形,故判决上诉人败诉;另Siegel v. Western Union Tel. Co.[29]案中,上诉人请求Western Union为其汇款 (payment order) 予朋友,请该朋友利用该笔汇款为其下注某赛马,惟Western Union对该笔支付命令(payment order ...
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承担, 有必要在刑法中将这两种行为犯罪化。立法中同时还要注意区分为使官员偏离职责而获利的腐败性支付(Corruptly Payment) , 及为加快政府例行职权进度的加速性( Facilitating of Expediting Payment) 支付, 后者 ...
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