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to the enterprise's general budgetary goal and by taking into account their respective situation, submit their respective budgetary goal for the next ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312772.html -了解详情
the following materials of the party under investigation: 1. The account information, including the information and materials which the party under ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312768.html -了解详情
foreign exchange control.A wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall open a bank account with the Bank of China or a bank designated by the State ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312762.html -了解详情
.Article 54 The auctioneer shall properly keep the complete set of account books pertaining to business operation, the auction minutes and any other ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312759.html -了解详情
-0422发卡方撤销通知-0230金融交易通知响应-0430代理方撤销通知响应-0432发卡方撤销通知响应;·Primary-account-number:主账号,内容为两位的PAN长度+PAN;·Acquiring-institution-identification-code:代理机构标识码, ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_143117.html -了解详情
SpecificNegotiation during the CSMEF Cooperative Projects Cooperative Project I Brief Account of the Project (Word Limit: 100) Total Investment (in 10 ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_132887.html -了解详情
(bank_code)、业务参号(ref_number)、发生日期(deal_date)、收/付款人名称(en_name)、收/付款人代码(en_code)、账号(account)、币种(currence_code)和金额(amount)等数据项必须从会计系统中提取,其余的数据项可从其他业务系统中 ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_128363.html -了解详情
电传通知付款的电文格式: TO×××(境外行名称、地点) FROM×××(发报局名称、地点) DATE: Test debit our account and pay(or by cable)×××(货币及金额)Value×××(起息日)To×××(移存行的境外帐户行)for account ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_75033.html -了解详情
, take persons whohave been engaged by the Commissioner for Labour, on account of theirspecial expertise, to advise the Commissioner on the safety and ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_16526.html -了解详情
shall beentitled to have access at any time to all books of account, vouchers andother financial records of the Council and to require suchinformation ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_16514.html -了解详情
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