shall, when the National People's Congress is in session, make a report to the Congress on the draft central and local budgets. The local governments ...
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the deliberation resolution, be submitted to the SASAC. 2. The financial budget report of a wholly state-owned enterprise or company with no board of ...
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. [26] 参见《SPS协议》第2条、第5条、第3条。 [27] Beef Hormones Panel Report,para.8.50 [28] Ibid, para.8.49 [29] Ibid, para.8.55 [30] Beef Hormones Appellate Report, ...
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As to Mr. Keating’s willingness to avail himself of treatment and as to the report, Mr. Glass said in part: … There is also the fact that prior to the ...
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某些虾及虾制品的进口限制案》,上海人民出版社2003年版,第1048页。 [3]Appellate Body Report, United States-Subsidies on Upland Cotton, WT/DS267/AB/R, 3 March 2005. [4]欧福永、黄文旭:《欧共体 ...
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, US Line Pipe, para. 7.194。 [56]Appellate Body Report, US Lamb, para. 106. [57]Appellate Body Report, US Cotton Yarn, para. 74. [58]例如Appellate Body ...
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take action to collect all the necessary information in order to be able to report his income correctly in his tax return (see Lemay v. R., [2001] 3 C ...
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(IV) failing to carry the real name of the author when cover report on the newspaper; (V) covering or abstracting relative articles against Article 27 ...
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at discretion before the expiration of their terms. The Board of Directors shall report to the People's Bank of China when there is a necessity to ...
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, Mr. Pyke used sales A, B, C and E referred to in Mr. Udvari's report and he estimated the value of the subject property to be $700,000; Mr. Udvari's ...
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