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January 2004 a resolution was passed authorising the company to accept Prospec’s tender for the renovation of the toilets at Chow House at a cost not ...
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if there were any errors in, or any conditions conflicting with the tender documents. The contract also provided that Checo would satisfy itself of ...
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thereto. A delivered price list, announcement of auction, call for tender, prospectus, or commercial advertisement, etc. is an invitation to offer.A ...
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表示感谢。 [28]See Fried J. M,Insider Signaling and Insider Trading with Repurchase Tender Offers, The University of Chicago Law Review, 2000,67 (2),pp 469 ...
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国法上,目标公司采用防御式股份回购的方法有公开市场回购(defensive open market repurchase)、自我要约收购 (defensive self - tender offers)以及绿邮回购(green mail)。本文通过对美国关于防御式股份回购三种方式之法律规制进行评析, ...
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,1991,(46). [12]Fried J M.Insider Signaling and Insider Trading with Repurchase Tender Offers[J].The University of Chicago Law Review.2000,67(2). [13] ...
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M〕.St.Paul:WestGroup,1998.p112. [9]罗怡德.美国联邦证券交易法规对于公开收购股份要约(Tender offer)相关规定之介绍与讨论〔J〕.辅仁法学,第11卷.P157、158 [10]该 ...
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国内的政治因素干涉而未能成功。 [79]See Jason A.Gonzalez,sunglasses.The Secret To Making Tender Offers Fashionable,NYU Journal of Law&Business(Spring 2005)。I N.Y.U.J ...
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and effective for target populationconsistent qualityproduct meets who requirements and tender specificationsotherq5: what is the added value of the ...
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to re-sell, and the buyer does not within a reasonable time pay or tender the price, the unpaid seller may re-sell the goods and recover from the ...
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