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business on his own account ?’ If the answer to that question is ‘Yes’, then the contract is a contract for services. If the answer is ‘No’, then the ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_4129.html -了解详情
business on his own account ?’ If the answer to that question is ‘Yes’, then the contract is a contract for services. If the answer is ‘No’, then the ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_3584.html -了解详情
whole people or under collective ownership may be operated under a contract by collectives or individuals for agricultural, forestry, livestock and ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_314554.html -了解详情
in a timely manner. In the case where no notification is served and no contract is made, the author may, upon expiry of the said 6 months, demand that ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312835.html -了解详情
on letterhead)Subject: (Name of Project and Loan/Credit No.,Description of Contract, and Bid No.,)Dear __________ ,In accordance with the (Loan/Credit ...
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││日期││期││Dateof││││payment││Dateof││Period││payment││││││contract││of││││││││││contract││││├─────┼─────┴─┴──┬─┴─┴────┴─┴────┴─┤│特许权使用│支付人名称Payer'name ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_32836.html -了解详情
: 这是过去版本,最新情况见现行版本。 在本条例中,除文意另有所指外─ “已注册学徒训练合约”(registered contract of apprenticeship) 指根据本条例注册的学徒训练合约,而“注册学徒”(registered apprentice) 则指作为此等合约立约人的学徒; ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_15289.html -了解详情
,2000年版,第49页。 [2]James Gordley:The Philosophical Origins of Modern Contract Doctrine, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992, p. 122. [3]关于Grotius对欧洲私法体系化的贡献以 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-488782.html -了解详情
],第349页。 [30]See The Law Commission and The Scottish Law Commission, Insurance Contract Law Issue Paper 6, Damages for Late Pay-ment and the Insurer's ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-381892.html -了解详情
German Law of Erichment, in Eltjo J.H.Schrage eds. Unjust Enrichment and the Law of Contract, Kluwer Law International. (2001),p.123. [24]前引[1],王泽鉴 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-381116.html -了解详情
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