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up to $500 or $1,000. Any larger amounts were to be disbursed from the account by way of cheques, signed by B.W., who kept the cheque book. [6] 622 ...
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, such as goods, services and unilateral transfers etc. 7. “capital account transactions” refer to the increase and decrease of assets and liabilities ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_316833.html -了解详情
Ended month/day/year) Statement IV项目名称:开户银行名称/账号:Name of Project:Depository Bank/Account No.:世界银行贷款号:货币种类:World Bank Loan/Credit No:Currency:金额A部分 ...
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the access codes to authenticate me/us as the authorized user for the account.i/we shall be responsible for the confidentiality and use of the access ...
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Act (Cap 190A) (“the Act”) for a bank to produce material relating to the account of one of the bank’s clients. 2 The preamble of the Act states that ...
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Rule 51 of PSC Procedure Rules. If so, what can be taken into account for preparing final list of selected candidates, are 'marks finally awarded to a ...
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of the domestic currency, is the amount which must be taken into the account. [48] In Saskferco’s case, the method of translating revenues used by it ...
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of Ms. Lafond. Thus, no amendment was made in respect of the personal bank account held by Ms. Lafond. [8] Il est plut?t curieux que madame Lafond ait ...
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to be made.[127] The present claim is for exemplary damages on account of personal injury.No compensatory damages can, of course, be awarded because ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_87828.html -了解详情
calls upon the members in respect of any money unpaid on their Shares ( whether on account of the nominal value of the Shares or by way of pre 而- um ...
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