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of the agency, where that person is remunerated by the agency for the performance of those services. [2] The first issue is whether the Appellant is a ...
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against him by Harbour Management Inc. ("Harbour Management") seeking specific performance or damages for breach of a contract for the purchase and ...
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, bequest, order in bankruptcy, execution sale, repossession on default in performance of a lease or conditional sale contract, or other means than ...
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of other cases) in order to take account of likely superior investment performance by the institutional advisor, the trial judge declined to order a ...
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likely unreliable, that there were concerns about consistency of effort in his performance of the tests, and that there were no objective findings to ...
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whatever nature, in which the public or third persons are interested, where the performance of such official acts is for the benefit of the public or ...
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him in the court below. Mr. Turriff submits that Mr. Kedia’s past performance is an indicator that the respondent will likely continue to experience ...
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or the provider of services and the client in respect of such performance. [9] It can be said that the fundamental distinction between a contract for ...
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held by the worker, and the worker's opportunity for profit in the performance of his or her tasks.[3] [11] Accordingly, Major J. considered the ...
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case of financial services falling within item 1, 2, 3 or 4) the performance of work preparatory to the conclusion of contracts for the provision of ...
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