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Discipline Chapter Ⅳ Organization and Administration Chapter ⅤGuarantee for Performance of Police Duties Chapter Ⅵ Supervision over Law Enforcement ...
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%(海关总署2006年第3号公告和商务部2005年第123号公告)。近据商务部确认,决定由迈图高新材料日本有限公司(Momentive Performance Materials Japan LLC)继承日本通用电气东芝有机硅有限公司在初级形态二甲基环体硅氧烷反倾销案中适用的反倾销税税率。现将执行 ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_316534.html -了解详情
years, and a permanent residence permit, to those with meritorious performance. Article 19 Aliens exempt from visa under the agreement between China ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_316398.html -了解详情
, their political integrity and professional competence, their actual performance, their contributions to the revolutionary cause and their experience ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_316110.html -了解详情
of operating environment, the safety of information, and the normal performance of computer functions so as to maintain the safe operation of computer ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_315968.html -了解详情
in a positive way to the radio regulatory inspector(s) in the performance of his (her, their) duties within the terms of reference. Chapter IX ...
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department of arms and the draft organization in the citizen‘s performance of military service. Article 12 Subdistrict offices shall direct, support ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_315529.html -了解详情
consular posts in China and their members and facilitating the efficient performance of the functions of such foreign consular posts in their consular ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_314691.html -了解详情
shall have the authority to stop it. Whoever rejects or hinders the performance of duties by land administration personnel in accordance with the law ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_314554.html -了解详情
the diplomatic missions in China and their members and facilitating the efficient performance of the functions of the diplomatic missions in China as ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_314404.html -了解详情
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