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,应引导各行政机关运用包括协商行政立法在内的共识形成机制来制定有关行政规章。同年,时任副总统戈尔领导的国家绩效评估特别调查组(National Performance Review)也发布相关报告指出,由专家主导的传统行政立法程序能够获得的公众反馈不足,这会削弱最终规范的有效性,并将鼓励对抗和不合作 ...
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是,用户不再由独立谋求许可的动力,同时也限制了用户的选择自由。 [137] AFJ2 Section IV(A)禁止ASCAP获取会员的除performance rights以外的权利。AFJ2禁止ASCAP获得其他类别的权利。而Heather 认为英国版权人的所有权利都可以交给集体管理组织管理。 ...
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条特别强调是双务合同(gegenseitiger Vertrag),因此合伙合同并不在适用范围之内。 [4] “…performance remains due to some extent.” Rep. No. 989, 95th Cong., 2d Sess. 58 (1978)。 [5] 美国 ...
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(General provisions)、被代理人主要义务(Main obligations of the principal)、代理人的履行(Performance by the representative)、被代理人的委托及委托合同的更改(Directions and changes)、利益 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-155710.html -了解详情
denied benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in the performance of this agreement or in the employment practices of the Contractor ...
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to contract with the respondent to such an exent that to compel performance despite the new and changed circumstances would be to order the appellant ...
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at p. 389: These cases establish that the primary measure of damages for non-performance of a contract to build on another’s land is the diminution in ...
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that a master is civilly liable for damage caused by his servant in the performance of his duties (article 1054 C.C.L.C. and article 1463 C.C.Q.). ...
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to this: is a tenant who is in breach of covenants in a lease, the performance of which are conditions precedent to the exercise of an option to renew ...
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Contract Law refers to the following circumstance: The obligor fails to render performance which is due to the obligee, and further, it has failed to ...
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