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If agreement still cannot be reached, the dispute shall be referred to the arbitration body agreed by the parties or start a prosecution in the People ...
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the order for the goods as stipulated in Contract. 「章名」 24 Arbitration: Both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with ...
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规定颇值得借鉴。 On the legal problems about the beginning of commercial arbitration procedure DENG Jie (Huaqiao University Law School,Quanzhou 362021,Fujian, ...
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。 [9]参见Barton Legum,Lessons Learned from the NAFTA:The New Generation of U.S.Investment Treaty Arbitration Provision,ICSID ReviewF.I.L.J.,Vol.19,No.2, ...
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终局裁决,由D国首席仲裁员在其位于G国的度假别墅中用电子邮件向争议双方发出了裁决书。这种通过互联网进行的仲裁,被称之为网上仲裁(online arbitration)。 由此可见,互联网不仅可以用来在不同法域的不同人员之间进行沟通,而且当事人还可以通过互联网来选择世界任何地方的仲裁员。不过,于提高 ...
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]参见韩德培前引书第743页。 [27]See K-H. Bockstiegel, The Relevance of National Arbitration Law for Arbitrations Under the UNCITRAL Rules,(1984)1 J.I.A.,P.235. 转引 ...
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by the Defendant’s failure to execute the contracts concluded, but also with all costs arising from this arbitration. 随仲裁申请书附上3,740(三千七百四十)英镑,折合人民币15 ...
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shall be conducted of C's own free will or rendered in the arbitration award as stipulated in clause 23. However, any transfer shall be subject to ...
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labor dispute. If one of the parties is not satisfied with the adjudication of arbitration, the party may bring the case to a people's court within 15 ...
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Employer,the Engineer and the Contractor shall not be altered by reason of the arbitration beingconducted during the progress of the Works. 67.业主与承包人或 ...
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