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. (address of employer's agent)(b) bear the following details:(i) Tender for Construction of Contract _________;(ii) _________ Project;(iii) “Do not ...
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between BL and E Man was subject to these terms and conditions, the same tender price as between BL and Wong or between Wong and Pang would somehow be ...
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out in the day-work Schedule included in theContract and at the rates and prices affixed thereto by him in his Tender. 52.4如工程师认为有必要,可书面命令将增加或替换的工程按 ...
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at a stock exchange and if the purchase is continued, he shall issue a tender offer to all the shareholders of the said listed company to purchase all ...
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(Sheets 25 to 43); and (f) Contract Schedules (Sheets 44 to 155). 16. The Tender Form was dated 27 August 2003 and signed by Paul Yu on behalf of the ...
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the IOC for and on behalf of the Oil Industry, floated a fresh tender for carriage of petroleum products along the Indian coast on time charter basis ...
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in an interview with theCommission, saying that if Mana did that “we’ll just tender in their area nexttime.” Indeed, NZ Bus made a good deal of the ...
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7, at 36. [49]此等论者指出,该授权条文的文字为:规范与任何公开收购股权相关之行为(in connection with any tender offer... ),但Rule 14e-3却甚至规范了公开收购股权开始前之行为。See, e. g.,Raymond, Validity ...
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或在該大廈放置投標箱,申請人違反了上述工作守則第7條,其條文如下:- “7. A tender shall be in writing and be sealed and deposited in a strong double locked box marked ‘Tender-Box (投標箱 ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_92654.html -了解详情
in sufficient detail to enable the contractor to price of allow for the same in his tender:if any test is ordered by the employer which is either:(a) ...
//hetong.110.com/hetong_12259.html -了解详情
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