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signed at , in duplicate, this day of , 200 , in the Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally authentic. Party A:_____________ Party B ...
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care that may be reasonably expected of a person in his position (see the English Court of Appeal case of Chaudhry v Prabhakar [1989] 1 WLR 29 at 34 ...
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obey the king and have a right to dismiss him. As Locke viewed the English revolution of 1688-89, it was not the Parliament that revolted but the king ...
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参见前引伯尔曼书542-546页 [50] 本部分主要参考了Pollock/MaitlandThe Hisroty Of English Law Before The Time Of Edward 1 , volume 1, pp 80-87, Prinded by J.and C.F.Clayat ...
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: 艾滋病医务服务奖学金申请表Application Form for HIV/AIDS Service FellowshipPlease complete in English and Chinese,and print on the front and back of an A4 paper请 ...
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, any agreement involving the use of the notice should be considered effectively in English and ____ made. A. If sent delivery, the service should be ...
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,No.4. [6] 此问题将在下文予以论述。 [7] Charles P.Sherman ,The Romanization of English Law,The Yale Law Journal,Vol.23,No.4. [8] Albert R.Crittenden,Roman Law in ...
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” before the court can make an order under O 24 r 7 of the English Rules of the Supreme Court (corresponding materially to our O 24 r 5). Surely if ...
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Doc.2 of UNIDROIT, August 2003, pp.18-19. Source: //www.unidroit.org/english/documents/2003/study78/s-78-008-e.pdf, Last Visited Nov.10, 2008. 中文 ...
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上招募学员等经营性活动。洲际公司董事长王中伟则以“戴尔董事长”和“戴尔英语创始人”自居。戴尔学校还以“DELL INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH”的名义注册dellenglish.com域名,并在该域名下建立“戴尔国际英语”网站,宣传推广其培训服务。同时,洲际公司则以“CROSSLAND ...
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